Thursday, 24 June 2010

Wolves and other howlers

I have just finished a commission for Arts Admin at Bethnal Green old town hall, which featured a moose head and a Persian carpet, so I've been thinking a lot about animals - some native to our shores and others not. This howling wolf at the McManus is pretty spectacular. It's hard to imagine that they once roamed all over Scotland.

I have been told that there are still red squirrels in the city: apparently they're hiding out in Camperdown Park. I've never seen one but like many of the facts about Dundee that I have gleaned over the years (mainly from my mum and The Broons), they have become part of my own slightly mythical version of the city.

Another howler that I came across in the gallery was a tiny spelling mistake in an exhibit about the publisher DC Thomson. Having worked on copy for so many years, it's hard not to spot typos and literals in just about any bit of printed matter I see. Some might say it is a curse. It's certainly with no satisfaction that I point this out to you, dear reader - and I only do so to share with you the pain of the off-duty sub-editor, trying to get by, if only for one day, without involuntarily zoning in on the smallest error in the tiniest scrap of text.

Phew, I'm glad I've got that off my chest. Now I can move on to the job in hand, which will involve an awful lot of newspaper, some glue and absolutely no sub-editing skills whatsoever.


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